
Space Saver Elevator

Q: What is a space saver elevator?

A: A space saver elevator is a fully powered compartment with an enclosed cab for raising and lowering up to 500 lbs to different floors.  It is best used where space is at a premium and can be easily installed with minimum preparation as it has no walls or shaft.  When not in use, the space saver elevator can be sent to a different floor, allowing for use of the area the elevator occupied on the floor the client is on.

Image: Savaria Space Saver Elevator

Our Projects
Project: Space Saver Elevator

This gallery illustrates the movement of a space saver elevator from the bedroom on the second floor to the living room on the main floor of a client’s home.

The first three images mark the progress of the elevator moving from upstairs to downstairs. The last image features Steve testing the in-cab telephone and the elevator with the door open.

The remarkable feature of this elevator is that the area it takes up is completely open when the unit is on the other floor. In this particular example, this means that the client has access to both French doors on the main level of the home, as well as both sides of the bed, even though a fully functional elevator shares the space.

Find out if a Space Saver Elevator is the right choice for you.