
Platform Lifts

Q: What is a platform lift?

A: A platform lift is a fully powered device with an open cab designed to raise a wheelchair and its occupant in order to overcome a step or similar vertical barrier.

Images: Delta Platform Lift, in open and folded positions

Our Projects
Project: Platform Lift

This gallery shows the Concord platform lift in closed position as well as opened and in use.  The platform lift allows this client to easily navigate the stairs to reach the second floor of her home.

Project: Enclosed Platform Lift

This gallery documents the renovation and installation of an enclosed platform lift.

The first three image show the client’s home before and during renovation.  Next, the home’s new look and the platform lift from both outside and inside, as well as a peak at the new sun room, created to work with both the lift and the architecture of the client’s home.

Find out if a platform lift is the right choice for you.