
Porch Lifts

Q: What is a porch lift?

A: A porch lift is a fully powered device with an open cab designed to raise a wheelchair and its occupant in limited travel to get from the outside of a home to the inside.

Images: Savaria porch lift with safety gate

Our Projects
Project: Completed Porch Lift

These images show two views of a porch lift at it’s top most position, the view from the driveway and the view from the porch.  This lift allows the client to move from street level to the first level of the home.

Project: Porch Lift in garage

These images show the installation of a porch lift in a client’s garage.  The first image shows the platform to the first floor of the home under construction.  The second image shows the completed project (the door seen in the first image is to the right of and perpendicular to the door seen in the second image).

Project: Porch Lift In Garage, start to finish

This gallery documents the renovation and installation of a porch lift in a client’s garage.

The first image shows the client’s home before and during renovation.  The following images show the lift at both garage and home level as well as the view of the completed project from inside the home.

Find out if a porch lift is the right choice for you.